Sacred Return To The Heart Group Healing
Wednesday, October 23rd 5:30-7:30
Service Description
Acknowledge your heroic heart and the strength of will that has seen you through to this moment. Decide that you will utilize everything that has happened to grow wiser, to heal yourself, to realize your inner strength. Experience a transformative evening with Trista's Sacred Return To The Heart Group Healing at Healing Sacred Space. Through a visual meditation, gentle conscious breathing, and the soothing sounds of singing bowls, drums and ethereal music, reconnect with yourself and realign mind, body, and spirit. Let the healing powers of reiki energy help ground, clear, and facilitate a sacred return to your heart. October Healing Meditation theme: The Balance of Letting Go and Receiving During this fall season, we'll retreat inward, light a candle, and see what cobwebs need clearing. Each of the seasons has its own particular energy that represents where nature is in its recurring cycle of birth, transformation, and death. As a being who is closely connected to—and directly affected by—the rhythms of nature, you can capture and use the energy of the season by moving through your own seasonal process. Fall is the season that prepares nature for the pruning process which will ultimately result in seeds being planted for the next chapter. It’s a great time to take an inventory of what you need to trim back or tend to differently as you settle inward for the coming months. This gathering will offer space for you to come back to your heart, body and spirit to enable you to be more present in your life and to help bring a deeper sense of support and love as you walk through life's ups and downs. To begin our time together we'll do a check in before the meditation to draw oracle cards and open the circle to feel present, supported and grounded ready to receive healing energy. Bring with you a big, comfy blanket and journal. A small vegan snack, hot tea and water will be offered.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Refunds will only be given if canceled before October 5th. After the 5th no refunds will be given. You may call, text or email me to cancel. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you for your kindness. Trista 970-988-9941
Contact Details
Bloomington, IN, USA
+ 970-988-9941