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Awakening to Reiki

Spiritual Development Workshop

hands holding crystals for reiki_edited_

Contact Trista for more info on upcoming classes

workshop tuition:


$325 group learning

$450 solo learning via in person or online

(to book one on one learning email Trista) 


Next Workshop

Spring 2025

April 12th


currently 3 spots remain 


message Trista to set up a free intake phone call

Included In Tuition:

*full day of learning

*reiki handbook to take home

*Reiki 1 certification

*Meet up within 6 wks to have a practice/review day

*all food for the day included (vegan, healthy lunch and snacks, water, and hot tea)

Please contact Trista if you interested in joining a class or

have any questions.

Payment due at registration.

All payments are final. 


Mother Earth

We've gathered for the healing of all of your children

The stone people, the plant people

The four-legged, the two-legged, the creepy crawlers

The finned, the furred, the winged ones

All our relations

May I be at peace, may my heart remain open, may I awaken to the beauty of my own true sprit.  May I be healed.  May I be a source healing for all beings.  

Om Peace Amen and So it is.


Awaken to your gifts, your heart, your soul

and to the universe!

As we continue to move through these changing and sometimes difficult times, it's important to stay connected to our heart, soul and each other!  

Join Trista Price at Sacred Space in Bloomington, IN along with a small circle of other like minded souls for a day of diving deep into learning about energy, yourself,

how to create and hold sacred space and learn the amazing healing of Reiki. 

This will be a day to connect to your divine, powerful Self and to awaken your inner knowings. We will be guided by our intuition and our hearts.  

Reiki is a healing technique in which the practitioner channels energy into themselves or a client (to clear chakras and promote flow of healing energy)

Awakening to Reiki is open to anyone that has the desire to learn more about themselves, energy and how we are all connected. This class can be taken for personal or professional reasons. Reiki is a great addition to any healing modality, as it is pure positive energy.  You will learn how to step aside and let ego take a seat, while you channel pure divine energy.  Reiki has been proven to help with relaxation, sleep, pain relief, personal growth, emotional and energetic balancing.  It is even becoming more widely accepted in hospitals for pain management and to aide in the healing process.


This workshop will be a chance for you to awaken to your infinite wisdom, intuition, empowerment and connect to your true Self. We will connect with our guides, angels, and divine love to help guide us through our time together. You will learn the benefits that reiki can have on yourself, others and our planet. Open up to what a loving, healing gift you are to the world and tap into your divine potential!

If you are feeling the wonderful call to join Trista for an enlightened day of joy, deep connections, learning and healing, you are welcomed to be part of this circle.


During our time together you will:

*learn how to do a personal Energy Retrieval Ritual

*learn tips on how to stay grounded


*learn how to develop a clear and strong inner energy core

*learn the basics of the chakra energy system

*learn how to give and receive a reiki session with hands on experience

*learn self healing techniques to practice reiki on yourself

*learn how to create and hold sacred space for reiki sessions

*receive Reiki Level One attunement and be certified in Reiki Level One

*meet within 4-6 weeks for a practice day...this is included in your tuition

The pre-requisite to take this class is that you have experienced a Reiki session before, with Trista or another practitioner and to have a free phone consultation with Trista, before you register.


During our time together you will:

*review the basics learned in Reiki Level I
*take a deeper dive into learning additional chakras and crystalline energy
*learn more about how to prepare for Reiki sessions with others
*learn Reiki symbols and how/when to use them
*learn distance Reiki and practice
*hands on training and learning of new and familiar techniques
*receive Reiki II attunement and be certified in Reiki II
*meet for 2 additional follow up practice days of review, learning, and practice....this is included in the tuition. 
The pre-requisite to take Reiki II is that you have been certified in Reiki I with Trista or another practitioner and to have a free phone consultation with Trista, before you register.
*All Reiki events will be catered by Trista...All food will be vegan. A healthy lunch, snacks, baked goods, hot tea, and water will be provided.
Workshop Date: announced soon


message Trista for your free intake phone chat 

Reiki Level 2 includes:
Day 1: 10-6
2 Follow Up Practice Days
(1 in person and 1 virtual)
Manual and Reiki Certification


workshop tuition:


$350 for group learning

$475 solo learning via in person or online

(to book one on one learning email Trista) 


Please contact Trista if you interested in joining a class or

have any questions.


Next Offering

April 26th 11:00-7:00

currently 4 spots remain


Payment due at registration.

All payments are final.  

***If you are interested in either of these workshops,

please email Trista to set up your FREE intake phone consultation***





Reiki Level III Master Level

Pre-requisite for Reiki Master Training: Level 1 and 2 training,

an advanced understanding of the energy body, and preferably one year of practitioner work. 

workshop tuition:

 group learning...$425

 solo learning... $550

May announced soon

​reach out to Trista to be added to this class

Reiki workshops are for the beginner, someone that has gone through a portion of the levels and would like to continue their education or if you've completed all levels and would like to rekindle your relationship with Reiki and deepen your spiritual practice.

To ensure you get the attention and guidance needed

all workshops will be small and intimate with limited spots available.

Trista is an intuitive, medium, reiki master and breathwork facilitator. She brings with her experience, knowledge and lots of love and intuition to help you tap into your inherent gifts. She has the ability to hold sacred space for you as you learn and grow. She has made a commitment to walk this life as a teacher, messenger, medicine woman and lightworker and will continue to walk with you on your path even after the workshop is complete.  Her dedication to be a light to her students, clients and to all she shares this planet with is part of her every breath and she holds this responsibility close to her heart. She believes that we are all worthy of love, healing, wisdom and living a life full of joy, love and freedom.



Where do I even begin to express how wonderful and eye opening it has been to work with Trista. She really is a beam of light in this world. I started in her Breathwork Meditation class and then attended her Reiki 1 class. She is so organized and detail oriented. She guided us through the most beautiful weekend and it is something I recommend anyone to do for yourself. You will not regret bringing Trista’s light in your life.  

Kristy ~

It has been a little over a week since I had one of the most amazing spiritual experiences of my life with Trista at Healing Sacred Space. I was honored to be able to attend her Awakening to Reiki/Spiritual Development Workshop and the weekend was magical. I have been working with Trista for a few months now and appreciate her healing and intuitive sessions so much. For her to gift to me the insight of Reiki healing and start me on my own path of healing others was such a beautiful experience. I am looking forward to the next two workshops Reiki II and Reiki Master to complete my training. If this interests you at all Trista is a wonderful teacher and I would definitely recommend taking one of her classes. I also recommend booking a session of healing with this beautiful soul as it will be an experience you will not forget.

Tracy ~

Trista Price came into my life after a life-changing event.  I was personally struggling with what had happened, what I saw, and what came back to me in my dreams.  Trista is a brilliant light force, who helped me process, identify, and overcome this event.  The guardians and Trista have guided me to practice meditation and to look a life through different lenses.  Trista answers questions truthfully.  She supports and has helped me to identify gifts that I have been given, and I have had these gifts all my life.  

I participated in her level one and two Reiki classes. I felt supported and challenged in learning to serve as a conduit of light and energy to others.  I felt like I had as much to offer and learn as other participants who had tons more knowledge.  Trista led the group on a wonderful weekend journey of discovery.  I appreciate that the group will meet again to continue our practice together.   I would welcome anyone to try Healing Sacred Space as this has become my Northstar.

Linda ~

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