May 5-7, 2023
New Harmony Inn New Harmony, IN
Come back home to your heart, body and breath.
Retreat with a beautiful group of sacred sisters at the
historic New Harmony Inn Resort.
yoga - meditation - breathwork - reiki - support-
love - community - ceremony - joy
Our Time Together:
We suggest arriving by 4:00 on Friday, May 5th to take time to get settled in before we meet for opening circle and share dinner together, beginning at 4:45
Opening Circle/Introductions/Setting Intentions
Group Dinner
Evening Full Moon Renew and Release Water Ceremony
*The energy generated when working with water is feminine in nature and is a magical practice. This ceremony helps in releasing old wounds, belief systems and aids in forgiveness. It then enhances blessings, positivity and healing. If the weather permits we will share this ceremony outdoors under the full moon. Following the ceremony join in, if you feel the pull, for a mini Ecstatic Dance Celebration to celebrate your mind, body and spirit!
Sunrise Yoga
*Morning yoga flow allows you to ease in, slowly building on breath and asana for a well-rounded practice. We will use pranayama (breath work) and moving meditation to lovingly wake up the mind and body. It will be nourishing & revitalizing.
Group Breakfast
Nourishing The Divine Feminine
*We'll use journaling to journey into the heart of the Divine Feminine energy, followed by a guided meditation to integrate insights and knowings as you receive a bit of loving reiki energy to nourish and balance the mind, body and spirit.
*Free time on your own to explore the grounds and the historic town
Group Dinner
Sacred Healing Breathwork
*Guided Breathwork Journey to empower and connect to your authentic, amazing Self...learn more about this offering here
Sunrise Yoga
*Morning yoga flow allows you to ease in, slowly building on breath and asana for a well-rounded practice. We will use pranayama (breath work) and moving meditation to lovingly wake up the mind and body. It will be nourishing and revitalizing.
Group Breakfast
Closing Circle
*After Lunch On Saturday Tobie and Trista Will Be Available For Mini Private Sessions*
Tobie for Reiki Sessions and Trista for Intuitive Guided Sessions.
Only A Few Spots Will Be Available...
If You Are Interested, Make Sure To Book Your Session When Registering.
Only 5 Spots Available For Each Practitioner
These Private Sessions Are Not Included In Registration Fee.
30 Minutes $50

Women's Retreat
May you dare to declare yourself
as whole and here,
held and heard,
worthy of your own time.
Permit yourself this revolutionary act of
noticing right where you are.
~ Molly Remer


Hello. My name is Trista Price and I'm an Energy Intuitive, Reiki Master Teacher, and Breathwork Facilitator. I help empower people to experience impactful and abundant lives with practical guidance for navigating life with clarity, truth and optimism. My passion is to help you awaken to your soul, to assist you in living with your full heart and to help elevate your mindset while connecting you to your amazing inner wisdom. The healing practices I work with are all based in unconditional love, compassion and truth. We all have the knowledge deep inside us, the knowing of how to stay balanced, to stay open and connected. Sometimes, we just need a little guidance and someone to hold space to help facilitate the process. I'm committed to what I do and I love this work. I am honored to be able to connect with you, your spirit and your guidance as we walk on this journey together. Each session supports you in becoming more empowered to live in alignment with your spiritual Self, emotional and physical being. You are an amazing ball of cosmic energy and you deserve to live your joy! To learn more about Trista, click here.

Tobie Hall is 200 hour yoga instructor, a comprehensively trained Pilates instructor, Reiki certified and a holistic nutrition/wellness coach as well as 31 years as a massage therapist. She believes that yoga is health for the physical body and balance for for the mind, that it is a foundation for the spiritual journey to self knowledge. She also believes that finding your individual self should be with awareness that there is no "I" only "We" in the universe. The idea that the collective consciousness can be healed through love for others is fundamental in her thinking. Her mantra is Be Love. Give love. Accept Love. Learn more about Tobie here.

Surrounded by towering trees, gently rolling hills, and tranquil ponds, the acclaimed New Harmony Inn Resort offers a peaceful retreat from the bustle of daily life. Set in a charming town, filled with art, gardens and original architecture and is located in one of the most significant Utopian communities in America, Historic New Harmony, Indiana. Amenities include a heated pool, tennis courts, walking trails, complimentary bicycles to the Inn's guest, golf cart rentals, fitness center, hot tub and a beautiful lake to stroll around.
To learn more about this beautiful space visit their site at newharmonyinn.com
All levels of yoga are welcomed here for this retreat. Even if you have never practiced yoga before, you can benefit from the nourishing connection to breath, slow, restorative poses and stretching. This will be a weekend of meeting yourself exactly where you are in your body and honoring what is best for you!
There is no religion associated with this retreat. We welcome all levels of spirituality. This will be a weekend of connecting deeply to your heart, body and spirit. We are coming together to not only be supported by a sacred circle of women but to also go on an inward journey to deepen our connection to Self and to all of life around us.
Registration includes a 2 night stay at the New Harmony Inn, 2 breakfast and 2 dinners along with the full retreat hosted by Tobie Hall and Trista Price.
Registration does not include lunch, snacks and anything you do during your free time and/or if you decide to book a mini session with either Tobie or Trista on Saturday afternoon.
This will be a small retreat with space for 20 women to ensure a deeply supportive, intimate and loving weekend.
What should I bring with me?
Yoga mat, big cozy blanket for breathwork, journal, eye mask/wrap (not an eye pillow), bathing suit for hot tub/pool
Included In Your Registration:
A 2 night stay at New Harmony Inn, 2 breakfast and 2 lunches (ALL Vegan), the weekend retreat and materials hosted by Tobie Hall and Trista Price.
Cancelation Policy:
If you need to cancel, your retreat registration is non-refundable but can be transferred to a friend of your choosing. Please let us know if you cannot make it, and who will be coming in your place.

Includes 2 nights lodging in a private room with private bathroom,
2 breakfast, 2 dinners and the full weekend retreat experience facilitated by Tobie and Trista for each guest.
Single Occupancy (1 person) $550
Double Occupancy (2 people, 2 beds) $955 (only $477.50 per person)
Couples Occupancy (2 people, 1 bed)
Retreat Only Plus Meals
(live in New Harmony and don't need a place to sleep?)
Once you sign up you will receive a confirmation email. The closer we get to our retreat date we will be sending out a communication email to all of you amazing women with any information you may need before we meet.
(please make sure to check your junk email folders if you do not see an email from us)
Feel free to call or text with any questions...
Trista Price 970-988-9941
Want to schedule a mini Reiki Session with Tobie or
an Intuitive Mentoring Session with Trista?
Purchase this in advance to reserve your spot.
Investment $50 for 30 minute session.
only 5 spots available for each offering
We can't wait to share this transformational weekend with you!
Much love,
Tobie and Trista