Live a life inspired

Welcome to our first blog! I want to extend a welcome to all that lend an ear and engage in this new adventure we are HELLO and thanks for showing up! Like everything in life, I'm hoping this will just organically create itself as we write. Our hopes with Sacred Space and the Love and Let Live campaign is to create a place where living from the heart will become a natural way of life for all involved. To try our best at being a voice for the voiceless and to live inspired and be inspired. Sacred Space started with my reiki practice, and like I said, it is just organically evolving into so much more. In short, the word sacred means: considered worthy of spiritual devotion; or inspiring awe. I like to think that we should all have moments and places in our lives that are sacred. To create a sacred space for ourselves to just be ourselves and to dig deep and find out what that truly means. A place of healing and true peace. I've decided to follow my true path in this life, to take this unknown journey, to create a business that is my passion and to lead by example, from the heart, to help people find their sacred space. I'm not sure exactly where this will take me, but I am divinely guided each day and I have learned to trust this guidance. I wake up each day and listen to see what the day may hold and how can I be inspired. We hope to continue to have you next to us on this journey and would love to hear how you live an inspired life. Let's inspire each other and let's lift each other up every day and live solely from the heart! Much gratitude and love to all. Until next time.
Stay Inspired.....Trista